We are called to be 'disciples.'
A disciple is a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ who purposes
to learn and live their daily life according to the bible.
Discipleship is the relational process in which we learn, live,
grow and mature in our faith.
The purpose of the 7 Dreams Book is to help the new believer
become established in the foundations of their faith through
one on one instruction or group discussion. This book is
written intentionally with simple language for ease of use,
leading, and understanding.
We have developed this discipleship strategy for you to experience the fullness of your faith.
If you have questions, email us.
to learn and live their daily life according to the bible.
Discipleship is the relational process in which we learn, live,
grow and mature in our faith.
The purpose of the 7 Dreams Book is to help the new believer
become established in the foundations of their faith through
one on one instruction or group discussion. This book is
written intentionally with simple language for ease of use,
leading, and understanding.
We have developed this discipleship strategy for you to experience the fullness of your faith.
If you have questions, email us.

Whose duty is it to make disciples?
Every believer.
Who commanded us to do so?
Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The 7 Dreams Book was developed and written by our Lead Pastor Jesse Quiroz.
begin your 7 dreams journey
If you're ready to start your path to discovering the 7 Dreams we believe God has for your life - let's get started!
For anyone who does not call Journey Church 'home' we are developing a Phase 2 of the 7 Dreams Discipleship Program which would allow individuals and churches to experience this program. This phase is currently in process. If you attend a church other than Journey, if you are out of state or are the pastor of a church who would like to implement this discipleship strategy into your church, click the button below.
Going through the 7 Dreams?
Here are your next steps.
Register For Water Baptism
This is when you become 'identified!' Let us celebrate your dream of being baptized with water. We are so proud of you! Click on the button below to register. Once you are registered we will notify you when the next baptism Sunday opportunity is scheduled.
Connect & Make Friends Through 'Koinonia'
You are not supposed to do life alone! You know that now right? We have a ton of opportunity through our Journey Groups for you to get and stay connected with this church family. Click on the button below to check out our Groups page.
Serve With The Dream Team
Ready to serve? Our Dream Team is where you will begin to offer up your time and talent; which are just two ways that we give. There are many different areas and opportunities for you to serve. Click on the button below to sign up!
Graduation To Multiplication
Have you graduated through the 7 Dreams and are ready to walk through it with someone else? Click on the button below to learn how to get trained up and ready to be a disciple maker!