"For where your treasure is,
your heart will be also."

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.

What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Financial giving can be divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches us that we worship the Lord with the tithe, which is ten percent of our income contributed to the church on a regular basis. When we feel called to give over and above our tithe, we do so as an offering.

How you can give

In Person
Our Giving Stations are located along the back wall of the Auditorium, near the exits. It is the perfect place to give in person during your Sunday experience. Gifts in the form of cash and checks are welcome. Please make checks payable to Canvas Church
We have created a fast, secure way for you to give online anytime, anywhere. You can even setup recurring withdraws, if you feel led to-do so.

You can also give conveniently from your smartphone using the Journey Church app, by downloading here.
Text to Give
Text any dollar amount to 84321.

Your first time giving via text will require a quick and simple set up process. Simply follow the instructions that will be received after your first text.

Click here to help you get it started.
By Mail
You can easily mail in your tithe and offering using the address below:

Journey Church
366 S. Lincoln Drive, Troy, MO 63379

Missions & Outreach Giving

Building Beyond

We desire to build God’s kingdom beyond what happens on a Sunday morning. Meaning we want to send God’s word and His blessing wherever we can to whoever we can. Whether it’s a person searching for life-purpose in a prison cell  or someone in desperate need of basic life-essentials like food, water or clothing - the church is called to partner with them and serve their life and their needs.

When we give above our tithe we support efforts throughout the local, national and global community. Building Beyond funds the Troy Dream Center and local and state prison ministries, disaster relief and building projects in developing countries, and orphan care in the East African country of Burundi. Plus much, much more.

Anyone can become a 'builder' by filling out a commitment card during any of our services, setting up a recurring gift through our online giving link provided above or with a one-time gift submitted to our church office. We'd be honored if you join us in this powerful and impacting program.

Also, throughout the year we offer various opportunities to be hands on in Building Beyond through our jail ministry teams, local serve days, overseas mission trips and more. Stay plugged in to Journey Church to stay updated.

Email us to learn more and become a 'builder!'

Care Portal

We've partnered with CarePortal to help continue the mission of Building Beyond right here in Lincoln County. CarePortal is a technology connecting platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families in our community to your attention. Caseworkers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes the community members aware of the need, and gives them a real-time opportunity to respond.

You can find out more about Care Portal by clicking 'Learn More'. If you are interested in becoming a member, be sure to sign up through the Journey Church affiliate link below.