Friday, April 18

Good Friday Communion
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

This is an open-house style opportunity to partake in Holy Communion on Good Friday.

Come anytime between 6:00 - 7:00 PM and you'll be escorted into the auditorium and be led through the story and experience of the Lord's Supper with our host of Pastors.

Saturday, April 19

Kids SpringFest Easter Celebration
1:00 - 4:00 PM*

*Easter Story Walkthrough is from 1:00 - 3:00 PM

FREE Event

A family-friendly experience including a walk-through Easter story, live animals, inflatables, balloon artists, arts and crafts, bubbles, popcorn, cotton candy, and more!

Additional food and drinks will be available on-site for purchase.

'Peace Be With You'

Our seven-week series before Easter called 'Last Words', we're looking at the last seven statements Jesus made when he was crucified on the cross.

After Jesus resurrected, he came to his disciples and the first words He said were, "Peace be with you!" Pastor Jesse will be digging into the Biblical importance of that statement, why it was said, and how it can be applied to your life today and your relationship with the Savior.

Saturday, April 19

Easter Service
5:00 PM

Celebrate Easter Sunday on Saturday night! This service will offer the same experience as our two Sunday morning experiences. (You can help us make room for first time guests on Sunday morning by considering this service instead!)

Journey Kids will be open for kids between 0 – 5th grade with a special Easter experience, just for them!

The Building Beyond Cafe will be open until service start, so be sure to stop by early and grab your favorite cafe drink!

Sunday, April 20

Easter Services
8:15, 9:30, & 11:00 AM

Our Easter Sunday experiences are next level! You won’t want to miss a minute of this, so make sure you get a great parking spot and a great seat by arriving early.

Journey Kids will be open for kids between 0 – 5th grade with a special Easter experience, just for them!

The Building Beyond Cafe will be open for both services, so be sure to stop by early and grab your favorite cafe drink!

Where We're Located

Journey Church is located right off of one of the main thoroughfares into Troy, South Lincoln Drive, right next to Elliott Flooring. Parking can be located in on the north and south sides of our facility in our campus parking lot. Additional overflow parking for can be found in the gravel lot located north of the campus, as well as in the Elliott Flooring parking lot located on the south side of our campus.

What to Expect

Easter at Journey Church will be a unique experience for anyone, and we're always excited to see new faces! Before service, come hang out with us in the lobby, where we will have plenty of smiling faces to meet with, some delicious coffee and snacks from the Building Beyond Cafe, as well as any information you'd like to gather at our Connect Spot!

We know that visiting a new church or finding a church family can be overwhelming. We hope that you feel the warm welcome from our church family the second you arrive on our campus! Click the buttons below if you want to learn more about who we are and what we believe.

Share & Invite Others

Have somebody in mind that you want to see here on Easter? We've made it easy for you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to church!

Click on any of the invite cards below, save them to your device, and share them on your social media accounts!