The Dream Team

"12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. 27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it."

- 1 Corinthians 12: 12 & 27 (NLT)
Read through this page to find out what it takes to be a member of Journey Church. Then, at the bottom, take the next step by completing the application.

We are better together.

At Journey Church, we believe in becoming a loving, supportive community that seeks to make a positive difference both in the lives of its members and in the world around us. Becoming a part of a local church is a big part of your spiritual journey, connecting you to a local body of believers where you can grow in faith, serve others, and experience the profound joy of living out God's purpose.

Why being part of a local church matters.

  1. Belonging and Support. As a Dream Teamer, you join a family of believers who care deeply about your spiritual and personal well-being. You’ll find encouragement, prayer, and support in every season of life, knowing that you are not alone in your journey.

  2. Active involvement in the community. Being a part of the Dream Team is a powerful way to engage with and impact your community. Through various outreach programs, service projects, and missions, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of others, reflecting Christ’s love in practical ways.

  3. Continued Spiritual Growth. The Dream Team allows you to be more deeply involved in the life of the church, including opportunities for discipleship, Bible study, and leadership. It’s a space where your faith can be nurtured and challenged, helping you grow closer to God and more fully understand His calling for your life.

  4. Accountability and Commitment. Being a Dream Teamer means committing to a shared vision and values. This mutual accountability helps you stay grounded in your faith, fosters growth and encourages you to live out your beliefs consistently.

Joining a local church isn’t just about what you can give—it's also about what you will receive. The relationships you build, the growth you experience, and the joy of serving others will have a lasting impact on your life. You’ll discover new strengths, develop deeper relationships, and find a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment as you live out your faith in the community.

You'll also receive exclusive perks throughout the year, such as unique devotionals from our Senior Pastors, special recognition during our Sunday services, exclusive discounts on merch and cafe items, and more!

You are the church.

The expectations of a Dream Teamer are to be continually faithful in the following areas:

Personal discipleship and spiritual growth through completing the 'Seven Dreams Program' with a Seven Dreams Multiplier.

Haven't completed 7 Dreams yet? Click here.
Growing your faith by regularly attending services, groups and events (in person or online).

Find Events Here
Serving on the Serve Team at least once a month.

Not on a Serve Team yet? Click here.
Giving financially at least once a month in a trackable method (digitally or by using a giving envelope with your name on it).

To find out all of the ways to give, click here.

Ready to join?

The Dream Team application is a two-month process. Once it has been confirmed that you have been consistent in all areas of expectation, you will be welcomed onto the Dream Team and recognized and celebrated on a special Sunday.